The 80 Office Building

Architect / Designer:
Design Team:
Landscape Construction: GREENPLUS
Green interior design: GREENPLUS
Architectural study: ISV
Construction – Project management: BLACKHAWK
Construction manager: KOSTAS MICHALOPOULOS
The project concerns the upgrading of an existing building in a privileged central location on Michalakopoulou Street, occupying almost the entire building block between Michalakopoulou streets,
Papadiamantopoulos, Pontos and Laodicea in Ilisia. The viewing position it has the building, its chaotic surroundings, as well as the need updating the aesthetics of his facades, he imposed an intense intervention for the configuration of aspects, especially towards the main roads and its distinguished angle plot at the junction of Papadiamantopoulou streets and Michalakopoulou. In order to remain unharmed existing siding choose to create a new one, perforated face at a distance from the existing one: a new suspended epidermis which clearly states the presence of the building. This new
facade consists of from a decorative grid beams of dimensions 30x70cm which are 70cm from the existing view. They are arranged between two of horizontal beams in height of the 1st floor or below, in height
parapet of the roof or above, which they box the geometry and balance the composition. The positions of the grid beams they follow a logic correspondence to the blind parts of the cover and the medium of existing openings in order not to reduce the light of the interior spaces and not to hide it beautiful view, especially of the wing of Michalakopoulou to Lycabettus. These beams are of sufficient size so that the presence is felt them on the road, but in order not to breathe sense of bearing elements deviate from the vertical in a random way that does more light the composition and highlights her decorative character. The design of the surrounding space was based on the concept of abstraction, wanting to provide a strong contrast with the architectural design of the building. The idea of a small representation of nature in the center of the city was a basic principle in the design of the surrounding area. The Mediterranean flora embraced the building and gave a sense of movement to its strictly geometric character. The grassy plants combined with the aromatic plants created a micro-ecosystem in the pollution-laden center of the city. The trees chosen during the design of the surrounding area did not cover the architectural design of the building and with their growth they create small areas of shade for passers-by. The lobby of the building was also designed internally, with indoor plants that create a discreet privacy for the employee-visitor of the building. In short the revival of the building created a small revolutionary building design and a small green oasis in the city of Athens.
The Greenplus company specializes in the design and construction of gardens in Greece. She has been in the professional arena for 15 years and has managed to be distinguished for her work. The biggest distinction was in 2021 when its co-founder Marios Grogos was a member of the jury of the Landscape Awards 2021 in Greece. He has also collaborated with major international architectural offices, as well as with many presentations and participations in television shows about the garden and nature.