Gold Winner 2023 – Compos Mentis – Of Sound Mind - Architecture Collection
Gold Winner of the Houzee Awards 2023

Compos Mentis - Of Sound Mind

Custom Design

Architect / Designer:

Lorna Buechner


United Kingdom

Do you struggle with your mental health?
Have you found the books out there too wordy and focussing on the longer term and changing your thought patterns?
This book may then be for you.
Based on DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy) which is a skills based therapy, this book is designed to help with your distress in the here and now.
Written by a person with lived experience, and using tried and tested skills.

I have also put people’s experiences of mental health in the book, so the reader does not feel so alone.

Then there are my drawings to separate the book out.

I don’t know about you, but for me I don’t want to read pages and pages of information when I am in a state of distress.

We encourage designers and architects to share their best projects with the rest of the world so as to inspire the next generation and gain global recognition.