Gold Winner 2022 – Community Landscape - Architecture Collection
Gold Winner of the Architecture & Design Collection Awards 2022

Community Landscape

Landscape Architecture Built
Professional Category

Architect / Designer:

Hans-Petter Bjørnådal


Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio

Design Team:

Ben Adams, Jan Kleine, Haye Sievertsen, Ole Bachmann, Sebastian Lind, Kjell Ronny Jensen, Ole Martin Gundersen, Mikkel Solberg, Oliver Adams, Philip Adams, Nina Mathisen, Ina Otzko, Idunn Sanden, Siemen Cuypers, Andrea Mušić and Hans-Petter Bjørnådal.


Idunn Sanden


Community landscape at Grønnåsen school in Tromsø municipality is a public artwork completed October 2022. The art installation, which forms stands, is now the largest in the municipality, and at 30 metres it can accommodate up to 70 people. The design makes the tribune a functional work of art for the benefit of the school pupils, while also serving as a meeting place and social landscape for the district after school hours. Letting nature play its part The grandstand creates seating and activity spaces for large and small groups of people, and varies between areas for more private spaces and open landscapes for larger gatherings – just like in a natural landscape. Nature has influenced several elements of the design: the grandstand is set towards the terrain against a natural backdrop, while the very shape of the design is a result of the grandstand of an existing tree that is guarded. Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio has worked closely with art advisor Nina Mathisen and art curator Ina Otzko during the process, to create a parametrically designed landscape made of wooden slats. In the detail project, Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio has collaborated with Rambøll Oslo and Lost Coast Woodwork & design, for the review of the constructions and details, to find good solutions and optimize the use of materials. The optimisation process has resulted in a slab size of 300 pieces of 2500*1230*22. The slabs are mounted on a 48×198 truss and are placed with a 22 mm gap. The slabs are of the Duraply type, made for robust outdoor use. Facts: Client: Tromsø municipality Location: Grønnåsen school, Tromsø municipality Completed: 1 October 2022 Type: Art project – grandstand Architect: Hans-Petter Bjørnådal, Bjørnådal arkitektstudio Consultant: Rambøll

Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio

BJØRNÅDAL ARKITEKTSTUDIO is a Norwegian architecture studio located in Kristiansund N and led by Hans-Petter Bjørnådal. Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio explores architecture through an artistic and social anthropological approach and creates projects that have relevance for people and people’s experience of nature in our modern society. Architecture must be both poetic and holistic.

We encourage designers and architects to share their best projects with the rest of the world so as to inspire the next generation and gain global recognition.