Architect / Designer:
Design Team:
The proposal for a Multisport Hall that defines the Future Directions of Sports Infrastructure in Romania. This project aims to involve young people in the sports arena to promote a healthy lifestyle, improve academic performance, and at the same time, enhance an individual’s capacity to integrate into a social context.”
Finishing this project was nearly impossible, considering the extremely restrictive local urban regulations. There were plenty of limitations regarding the building’s height, the proposed built-up area, and the required setbacks from neighboring properties.
However, a solution was found to make this project feasible, and now the youth will benefit from the second multipurpose sports hall in the capital of Romania.
By creating mixed spaces within a single building that serve all age groups, providing opportunities to foster social connections among people regardless of ethnicity, religion, or social status, emphasizing the idea of competitions to enhance the ambitions of young individuals in a continuous state of development, and beyond.
Located in one of the most densely populated areas of Bucharest, with a density of over 10,739 inhabitants per square kilometer (population with permanent residence in Bucharest Municipality), the Sports Complex has the potential to reach an estimated audience of over 200,000 residents and employees. Simultaneously, the sports complex could serve as the sole venue for local community sports and cultural events. The location in a favorable area with potentially significant impact regarding the number of beneficiaries (the space is situated at the intersection of four university campuses – ASE Belvedere Campus, UMF Campus, UB Campus, and UPB Campus, totaling over 60,000 students and 5,000 university employees).
Early in the planning phase, the architectural team collaborated with glass and curtain wall fabricators to ensure the best possible selection of suitable products to optimize the energy efficiency and visual appeal of the building. They ultimately settled on a curtain wall design using lightly tinted vision glass to allow abundant daylight to enter virtually the full width and over 80% of the height. The main structure used for elevations is ventilated facades.
The MULTIPURPOSE HALL is a stunning example of design and functionality coming together beautifully by paying attention to the details of the FACADES system. The collaborative effort of the design team, fabricators, and installers created an environment that eliminates visual barriers offering a desirable and productive SPORTS AND RECREATIVE AREA. Designed with a close reading of budget, land, and climate, the MULTIPURPOSE HALL is a happy fusion of the standard and distinctive. As such, it succeeds in delivering magic within its means.
The architectural studio consists of a young, dynamic team eager for challenges, led by the team leader and principal architect, Alina Ciobanu. At just 29 years old, Alina, despite her age, is extremely ambitious, motivated, and has impressive recommendations in her career. Additionally, she is the winner of the 2023 ‘Larsen Liverpool – Outstanding Leader in Architecture of the Year’ international award and is a finalist for two more international prizes. Such moments in her life and career only further motivate her to become even better and more skilled in her field.