Architect / Designer:
Design Team:
Design Team: Germán Gallego, Andrés Pecar, Salvatore Ivo
CLient: Inmobilia, TULUM 101
OASIS 101- Green, Sustainable Living
Located in the coastal side of Tulum, Mexico, this innova ve project transcends tradi onal architectural norms, implemen ng a holis c approach that
organically integrates with the natural surroundings. Inspired by a deep apprecia on of community, network connec vity, and an organic ethos, the project
creates a design concept based on trees and roots, mirroring their organic pathways.
Microclimates are created by ar ficial layers of water surrounding the buildings and run through the en re project. All the buildings are connected to each
other through terraces, allowing circula on between them. This inten onal design promotes an uninterrupted journey of shared experiences and ensures
effortless access to public spaces and ameni es on the upper floors.
Roo ops not only serve as vantage points for individual pools but also as environmental canvases, hos ng sustainable prac ces such as solar panels,
rainwater harves ng, and Km0 restaurants promo ng local, sustainable produc on. Embracing an organic approach, the construc on phase employs
tradi onal techniques, dry construc on methods, and natural materials, showcasing a profound respect for the environment. The architecture goes beyond
aesthe cs, incorpora ng a skin system that func ons as a natural air filter, regula ng humidity and solar radia on. The inclusion of plants acts as a sound
barrier within the buildings, crea ng an immersive and tranquil living experience.
The project on the plot of 5.000.00 m2 and 39.173,98 m2 buit, consists of 8 separate buildings and each of them is interconnected to the others through
bridges at terrace levels, reinforcing a sense of community. In terms of floor plan typology, there are 5 different floor plan types available. The 4‐room living
area, which includes both open and closed areas, has a total area of 244.01 m2 and has 2 terraces. The 3‐bedroom living area, on the other hand, has a
total area of 162.39 m2 and also has 2 terraces. There are 3 different floor plan types for the 2‐bedroom apartments. The 1st floor plan type has 2 terraces
and the total area is 189.63 m2. The 2nd floor plan type has only one terrace with an area of 151.32 m2. The last floor plan type with 2 bedrooms has 2
terraces and a total area of 152.56 m2.
In embracing community, network connec vity, and an organic ethos, this project not only provides living spaces but weaves a sustainable narra ve that
harmonises with the natural rhythms of Tulum, offering residents an enriched and interconnected lifestyle.
DNA Barcelona Architects
We are DNA BARCELONA ARCHITECTECTS. We are a studio of architecture, planning, landscape, interiors and design that develops projects with a high calibre of innovation within a global strategy of internationalization. We currently are involved in global projects throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East for institutional, healthcare, educational, residential and commercial. We are specialized in large-scale architectural works and luxury projects in which we take care of bringing innovation by integrating the latest market and design trends.
Our architecture emerges out of a careful analysis of how contemporary life constantly evolves and changes with the influence of multicultural exchange and technology. Our technical department studies the most effective and efficient construction systems in terms of energy and sustainability, to apply them to our projects.