Gold Winner 2023 – 7WETKOFF Living // Village House - Architecture Collection
Gold Winner of the Houzee Awards 2023

7WETKOFF Living // Village House

Art and Accessories

Architect / Designer:

Tanja Zwetkoff


7WETKOFF Art // Living


Anja Müller 3113*brandesign



Core renovation & furnishing of the 270sqm ‘Village House Mallorca’ over 18 months including area planning, equipment and furnishing indoors and outdoors, electrics and lighting design, art & interior concept.

The picturesque village of Muro is one of the oldest villages dating back to 1232. It reflects the original character of the island and shows it in unique old buildings made of natural sandstone and characteristic architecture. Far away from hustle and bustle and exhausted tourism, we find the heart of Mallorcan culture and way of life in its pure form.

The village house in Muro is a tribute to the far-reaching history, traditions and craftsmanship of Mallorca embedded in minimalist zeitgeist with an accentuating dedication to vintage detail. The village house is nothing less than the ideal retreat for private well-being, relaxation and creative work.

During the comprehensive core renovation, original elements and building fabrics of the original village house were preserved, renovated or exposed according to the interior concept in order to preserve its typical characteristics.

Even after more than 80 years, the original double-wing entrance door made of local spruce still leaves the visitor with the stately impression when entering the obligatory large entrance area.

Priority in the living room and kitchen lies with the original Marés stone wall, which has been meticulously uncovered and repaired.

The classic cement tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms with traditional, minimalist designs were newly laid during the renovation and come from the traditional tile manufacturer Huguet from Campos de Mallorca.

The kitchen represents one of the highlights with “Cinderella effect”. The kitchen itself is from LEICHT with a Bora hob and wooden beams from an old ruin repurposed as shelves. The installed lighting reflects the floor pattern of the Huguet tiles. The classic pattern emphasizes the minimalist character of the kitchen. The barefoot feeling on these tiles is velvety and delicate as silk.

Another highlight can be found in the core renovated bathrooms. The design is unique for each one, but harmoniously integrated into the overall concept. Both bathrooms again feature the classic Huguet cement tile, however in different patterns and sizes. The light pattern on the small tiles in the guest bathroom exudes Mediterranean lightness, while the large tile in the characteristic pattern stylizes the master bathroom. The cast micro-cement in the master bathroom extends up to the ceiling on one side, allowing for a modern room character and carefree shower enjoyment. Vintage furniture creates a contrasting effect with the very modern ambiance, which is further emphasized by acrylic artwork in spotlight.

Acrylic art, design classics, and unique accessoires create a particular interplay in the design concept that pleases both the spirit and the eye. The artwork as a very personal inventory positioned in the right place ultimately unfolds its entire effect. Shaped by the soul of the object, lightness and well-being are created, which immediately enter harmony with the break of abstract art.

7WETKOFF Art // Living

High-quality nostalgia and minimalist zeitgeist are the leading language of space at 7WETKOFF Living with Interior Designer Tanja Zwetkoff. The typical 7WETKOFF style radiates subtle lightness, present in creatively crafted holism of vintage aesthetics and modern purism. Curated design classics and contemporary home accessories can be found alongside antiquated rarities selected from all over the world. Current lifestyle trends and different styles are combined in individually created room concepts and brought to perfection by abstract art as a connecting element – a unique selling point for each room is created. Home is where Art Lives.

We encourage designers and architects to share their best projects with the rest of the world so as to inspire the next generation and gain global recognition.