Silver Winner 2023 – 7WETKOFF Living // Remise - Architecture Collection
Silver Winner of the Houzee Awards 2023

7WETKOFF Living // Remise

Kitchen Design

Architect / Designer:

Tanja Zwetkoff





Comprehensive listed building renovation over 6 months of the’Remise’ Potsdam, an old carriage house of 67sqm in Art Nouveau and Gründerzeit style. Including the selection of building materials, indoor furnishing, electrical planning with lighting concept and an extensive kitchen redesign as climax of the interior concept.

In the middle of the state capital Potsdam, historically valuable architecture and precious old buildings meet a high-quality and modern small-town flair. Berlin’s creative, contemporary influence can be felt through its immediate proximity. Although it borders on the heart of Potsdam, the Nauen suburb is quietly located and exudes privileged solidity through the listed villas. The carriage house, the so-called ‘Remise’ as a discreet image of the magnificent villas is typical of Potsdam and resides in the backyards.

After extensive renovation, the interior concept of the ‘Remise’ today takes up the character of the main house again, transferred into a contemporary language of space. This is expressed using stucco ornaments and the historical cement fabrics. Due to the high-contrast combination of glass elements, the Gründerzeit becomes omnipresent. The associated Art Nouveau expressed through loving unique décor, antiques and playful wallpaper design plays the direct antagonist to the minimalist modern elements, which find their climax in the very reduced kitchenette.

The SCHÜLLER kitchen itself with its BORA hob finds itself integrated as the main attraction and centerpiece in the open living and dining area of the Remise. Cooking & dining space are enclosed by large glass elements on one side. The encased glass provides a skillful framework to the setting whilst still giving the daylight its opportunity to fully unfold and support the subtly designed indirect lighting concept on the walls. The historic cement tiles stand in direct contrast to the very modern and minimalist kitchenette.

The wall wallpaper from the Heritage Collection by Little Greene, based on an original design from 1895, picks up on the Art Nouveau style.

The dining group represents a composition of traditional & modern. With its distinctive shape, the legendary CH24 Wishbone Chair occupies a special place in the world of modern Danish design. The production of a Wishbone Chair combines over 100 different work steps, most of which are still done by skilled hand today.

The antique historic dining table in “Louis-Philippe” style, in a manageable size, has an impressively elegant effect and revives the Rococo style of the 18th century. Playful, curvy and adorned with ornaments, Louis-Philippe furniture has a courtly elegance without losing its lightness.

The floor lamp by Soho Home represents more than 25 years of design heritage of all Soho Houses worldwide and tells of rich history in the middle of the sweet little Remise dining spot.

The Louis Poulsen pendant lamp is a well-known design classic, designed by Vilhelm Lauritzen in the 1940s for the Danish Radio House. The Danish architect was considered a master of aesthetics, combining light and material like no other.


High-quality nostalgia and minimalist zeitgeist are the leading language of space at 7WETKOFF Living with Interior Designer Tanja Zwetkoff. The typical 7WETKOFF style radiates subtle lightness, present in creatively crafted holism of vintage aesthetics and modern purism. Curated design classics and contemporary home accessories can be found alongside antiquated rarities selected from all over the world. Current lifestyle trends and different styles are combined in individually created room concepts and brought to perfection by abstract art as a connecting element – a unique selling point for each room is created. Home is where Art Lives.

We encourage designers and architects to share their best projects with the rest of the world so as to inspire the next generation and gain global recognition.