Gold Winner 2023 – 7WETKOFF Art // Living - Architecture Collection
Gold Winner of the Houzee Awards 2023

7WETKOFF Art // Living

Art in Interior Design

Architect / Designer:

Tanja Zwetkoff




7WETKOFF Art // Living combines art and interior design to a uniquely created purist symbiosis. Where personal space and creative freedom merge, character is omnipresent. Tanja Zwetkoff cultivates a constant enthusiasm for rare furniture, unique pieces and design classics, which she encounters on countless journeys to distant cultures and continents, at the little shops around the corner and antique dealers. What they have in common: she cannot escape the magic of these unique treasures. As an aesthete, she sees the immeasurable, ideal value in every object whose history she wants to express curated. As Abstract Artist and Interior Designer, Tanja Zwetkoff pursues her desire to combine both areas in a new and symbiotic way. Personal interior concepts are brought to life holistically and brought to harmonious perfection. The dosed mélange of high-quality vintage with purism and a crucial contemporary style is formative. Through the harmony of artwork & space a distinct esprit of living is created in its purest essence, to reach the “Alma de Casa”, the soul of the house. Harmony of art & interior design will be created when Tanja Zwetkoff is inspired by the surroundings and aura of room in the creative process of painting. The artwork as a very personal inventory positioned in the right place will ultimately unfold its entire effect. Spatial boundaries merge with free space in an abstract and wondrous way. When the artist becomes a mediator the interior is artfully held together and brought to perfection. “For me, art works without interiors. But interior without art would be like a sea without fish. What is missing is lightness!” Tanja Zwetkoff


High-quality nostalgia and minimalist zeitgeist are the leading language of space at 7WETKOFF Living with Interior Designer Tanja Zwetkoff. The typical 7WETKOFF style radiates subtle lightness, present in creatively crafted holism of vintage aesthetics and modern purism. Curated design classics and contemporary home accessories can be found alongside antiquated rarities selected from all over the world. Current lifestyle trends and different styles are combined in individually created room concepts and brought to perfection by abstract art as a connecting element – a unique selling point for each room is created. Home is where Art Lives.

We encourage designers and architects to share their best projects with the rest of the world so as to inspire the next generation and gain global recognition.