Platinum Winner 2023 – Black Box House - Architecture Collection
Platinum Winner of the Architecture & Design Collection Awards 2023

Black Box House

Private Home Architecture and Design

Architect / Designer:

Andre Camelo


Crea – arquitetos

Design Team:

Current Team: André Camelo, Tânia Fernandes, António Ataíde, Teresa Osório, Joáo Alves, Liling Martin, Aneta Lazarova. Black Box house project credits: Crea (Architecture) Cerne Projets (Engineering)


António Ataíde


Black box house, Maia, 2022 The house was designed for three generations of the same family co-living together, and it´s surroundings are a hybrid environment that balances between the urban spread and the rurality of the place. This condition translated into an opportunity to protect the interior experience, enclosing itself in an opaque and neutral monolithic volume facing the street, defining and protecting a patio into which the interior spaces flow, opening the view to the yard, the trees and the landscape. The formal sobriety of the neutral shell that covers the house, emphasized by the visual presence of the slabs that accentuate the horizontality of the volumes, contrasts with the clarity and fluidity of the interior spaces, opened to the landscape.

Crea - arquitetos

CREA is an awarded architectural studio based in Porto and is part of the Science and Technology Center at the University of Porto. Since its foundation in 2014, CREA has carried out many projects greatly varying in terms of scale, in programs such as Housing and various types of equipment, putting an emphasis on sustainability and buildings´ restoration, reinterpreting and transmuting them for the present time.

We encourage designers and architects to share their best projects with the rest of the world so as to inspire the next generation and gain global recognition.