Dwelling the Temple_A project dedicated to Classical Music by Yanniotis & Associates | Architects & Consulting Engineers - Architecture Collection

Dwelling the Temple_A project dedicated to Classical Music

by Yanniotis & Associates | Architects & Consulting Engineers


Gold Winner

Other Architecture Concept

Professionals Category

Designer / Architect: Constantinos Yanniotis
Studio: Yanniotis & Associates | Architects & Consulting Engineers
Design Team: Konstantinos Xanthopoulos, Architect NTUA
Country: Greece
Copyright: Yanniotis & Associates


This project is about a proposal for the Koufonisia Classical Music Festival Complex located at Ano Koufonisi Island of the Cyclades islands Complex aiming at the cultural upgrade of the region. The Development consists of a circular Theater and Musical Stage along with its facilities and three small residences that host the musicians who participate at the event. The buildings are arranged diagonally following the ground slope towards the existing main residence of the owners. The buildings draw their inspiration from the Greek Cross Temples with the implementation of the corresponding facade forms and plan arrangement, thus reflecting a spiritual and peaceful atmosphere. The Residences are composed around a central courtyard, which is dissolved in smaller private yards, each belonging to the corresponding residence. This arrangement enhance the communal living of the Residents and encourages social participation. The Theater has an advantageous location with regards to the unobstracted South views over the sea and the port of Koufonisi village.

Yanniotis & Associates | Architects & Consulting Engineers

Constantinos Yanniotis is a graduate Architect (NTUA, 2011) and Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineer (University of Patras, 2003). Since 2015, he has been practicing as the Head Architect of Yanniotis & Associates Architectural Bureau, which is an internationally awarded Architectural Firm active in the field of Architectural Design and Planning since 1977. In its long-lasting activity, the Bureau has completed a series of projects, ranging from residential, and industrial buildings, to urban planning, golf resorts, cultural projects, etc.

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